Archives for March 2013


To eat healthy or eat well, that is the question. If I wait a few months what’s healthy and good for the body will change. One day I read eat more tuna, it’s high in omega-3 and it’ good for the body. A few days later I read, watch your tuna intake, it’s high in mercury. The following month doctors are talking about how good whole wheat and whole grain are for us. Then someone comes out with a book detailing how much damage wheat can wreck on the body, slowing killing anyone who consumes the luscious breads, cakes and cookies.


What’s a person to do? I’m sticking with chocolate. I’ll never read anything that says chocolate is not good for me. That news would be devastating.

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I haven’t figured out if food is my friend or my foe. All the things I love, love my hips. Those things that are good for me (vegetables) don’t get along with my taste buds. It’s a constant battle which I’m losing.


How are you making out? Food – friend or foe?