It’s that time of year. Yes, you guessed it, time to make those New Year’s Resolutions.  The moment has come for me to be still and contemplate all the wonderful things I’m going to do in 2012.  I need to select life changing actions that will make me better, happier and healthier.


Maybe I’ve been cheating or maybe I haven’t focused enough in the past, but my resolutions have remained the same over the last few years.  So this year, I’m doing something radical.  I’m making a change.  Forget that stuff about eating right and exercising every day.  Next year I’m just going to have fun and be happy.

I’m going to eat chocolate, really good chocolate 

I’m going to sleep late on Saturday mornings

I’m going to take a walk during a warm summer rain













I’m going to listen to my music and dance; I don’t care whose watching

I’m going to sing – off key – in the shower

Yep, it’s that simple.

How about you, care to join me?



  1. Jacki,

    I love all your ideas. For me, my goal is learning to be patient. Last year, it was all about removing the clutter. This year my goal list is shorter, but more meaningful. I’m looking to simplify and enjoy what is important…family, friends, and yes chocolate.

  2. Your comments are interesting and timely. We’ve had a lot of changes, thought provoking and emotional, this year. Here I am up at 5 in the morning thinking about life, and see your blog. I think you’re right on with a resolution for life. Stay focused and pray that I am faithful and patient with God’s plans, try to add more actvities that will add more intrinsic value to my life(helping others), seek out and follow my passions, enjoy the simple things(like really good chocolate), and learn from and enjoy the transitions in life.

    I’d better keep exercising and moderation in there as well, especially if I’m going to enjoy the really good food!!!!

    Glad to see you continue to follow your passions. Keep me updated with the blogs.

    • jackikelly says:

      Ros, you’re so right about the intrinsic value of life. Sometimes I get so caught up in the day to day, I forget the little things that
      are so important. Maybe I should have added making sure I recognize and count my blessings each and every day. I think I will. Thanks.

  3. Now THAT is a list of resolutions that I’d look forward to keeping! So far, my resolution list has one thing: do something scary in 2012. Something that I’ve been wanting to do, but too meek to try. Happy 2012!

    • jackikelly says:

      Lynn, that’s a good one. I should have put something like that on my list. But sing in the shower can be pretty scary too.

  4. Jacki, GOOD FOR YOU. Life is for Living! 🙂 HAPPY NEW YEAR

  5. The year 2012 is fast approaching. I can remember being excited about being a part of the 21st Century in 2000. There are so many things I want and need to accomplish in the new year. First priority is to lose weight but do it slowly. I found I can eat the things I like but in moderation. There are so many other things I have on my list. I hope to accomplish at least half of them. A main factor is to not be as stressed as I was in 2011. Life is too short. I used to hear the saying “Time is winding up” all my life from the elders. Finally, I believe it. I want to enjoy, laugh and not worry in 2012. I think I just might accomplish it. Iam who I say I am. That is my motto for life.

    • jackikelly says:

      I like your motto Renee. As I strive forward in my writing and being the best person I can be, I need to keep saying that to myself.

  6. In 2012, I plan to focus on my writing and write all new material. I’ll continue to lose weight and take long walks. Doing all these things makes me very happy.

    I wish you all the best for the New Year, Jackie!


    • Adele, I like your resolutions. It’s seems everyone wants to do things that make them happy. It’s going to be a really good year.

  7. This is the most inspirational comment on resolutions I’ve ever read. You really have inspired me to do better for me!

  8. Jackie, love love love your idea. Here I thought i was stuck doing the same old resolutions and you have freed me. I am also trying the “Theme Year”. I have not been well so it is, for me, my year of “health and well-being”. I will add some of your positive thoughts to make it shine. I also have the goal to set up my website… so dont try and go there yet.

    • jackikelly says:

      Margaret, good for you. For sure it will be a much more enjoyable year if we have some fun resolutions. I’ll take a peek in a few months so see your website. Good Luck!

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