It’s been a long time since I went on a date. My husband and I have what we call date night most Thursdays, but it’s nothing like today’s dating scene.



I won’t bore you with what dating was like back when we first met, but I will say he made me feel pretty special. I’ve heard so many tales about what happens on today’s dating scene, it’s so different it’s hardly recognizable. When did men stop picking women up at the door and actually committing to taking us out? Now days there are more ‘how about we meet at’ instead of ‘I’ll pick you up at’. Did the feminist movement mean we didn’t want men to pull out their wallets and pick up the check?




Group dates are all the rage now, too. I’m sure there is an advantage to several men and women going out together. Safety in numbers and all that stuff, but at the end of the night who do you take home?


There are advantages to the new dating trend, too. Freedom. If there’s no commitment, there are no restrictions. That means on today’s dating scene everyone gets a test drive, to kick the tires and check out the merchandise before making any decisions and hopefully, before any hearts get broken.


  1. Marilyn Gollmer says:

    I just wanted to tell you the names of the two heroines of your new books in the books of Dating Just Got Serious Series. Phoebe is for Blind Date and Yani is for Single Date. I really enjoy your books and really look forward to reading more! I’m hoping you pick my name for the $20.00 gift certificate also.

  2. J. Chandler says:

    Another series of great reads….love your books. Enjoyed Cory and Phoebe in Blind Date as well as Yani and Drew in Single Date. Oh’ to be young again. Please include my name for the certificate – so that I can apply it to your next The Sweet Road Home…..I hope to meet you soon to get my books autographed.

    Mrs. J.

  3. In Blind Date(Dating Just Got Serious) the characters are Phoebe and Cory. In A Single Date(Dating Just Got Serious) the characters were Drew, who I absolutely loved, and Yani.

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