It’s a New Year, and I want to think that the person I was in 2017 is not the same person I will be in 2018. I want to be more of something and less of something else. I’m not sure exactly how that’s supposed to happen. Just because the shorthand on the clock moved passed the number twelve, I’m supposed to change all the bad habits into new, more worthy ones.
I haven’t found a way to reset my thoughts that easily. I woke up on January 1st, feeling the same way I did the day before, the week before, the month before. But like the masses, I’m going to be different, better, new and improved.
What I do subscribe to is the belief that every day of the year I get an opportunity to improve. And that’s what I will do in 2018. I will try to be more thoughtful. I’ll try to be more positive. I’ll try to be more present.
I’ll write down those resolutions and some others. But if one month in I walk away from them, that doesn’t make me a dreadful person, a person without purpose or a person without willpower or drive. It makes me human in every sense of the word. What I must remember is that every day I get the opportunity to become a better version of myself. I don’t have to wait for the end of the year or the beginning of a new one.
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