Right now in the Northeast the days are short, cloudy and cold.  My main goal is how quickly I can get from Point A to Point B and spend the least amount of time outside.  Even when I take the dog out, I stand in the tiny bit of warmth the garage provides and look around the corner at him.   I guess I’m still waiting for my thick winter blood to form, because it’s awfully frigid outside to me.  





For me, the most soothing way to deal with winter is to look for the beauty in it. As I gaze out the window at the barren trees, I’m guessing they’re taking a rest in order to prepare for spring, when they’ll gently come to life.  Every day the sun gives us another minute of sunshine to remind us of the gorgeous days that are just ahead.  Winter provides an opportunity for me to be lazy, to curl up on the couch, under a blanket, with a good book and take it easy.  With all the activity that summer and spring bring, that’s a luxury I seldom give myself.

But even while I relish the peace and quiet of winter, I can’t help but think about taking a vacation.  There’s an adventure calling me off this couch.  Whether it’s a warm sandy beach, a bit of history to be explored or a concert in the park, my mind is not on winter or it’s limitation.  I’m almost out of breath picturing all the things I can do and places I can go, once winter loosens its grip.  Oh, there’s no doubt about it, I’m in a vacation state of mind.  Tell me what’s on your mind right now?