As 2016 comes to a close, I’m sitting in my office with mixed feelings. I’m wondering if I’ve done everything I can to be a better person. If I’ve pushed myself hard enough, or long enough. I’m not certain I can say I did.
I’m wondering in the remaining days of this year, what else I can accomplish. I’m a person who likes list and I love checking stuff off as I accomplish them. But sometimes I’m so driven by getting things done I forget to enjoy the now, the moment. Maybe next year that’s something I can work on.
There is a long list of people who will not journey into 2017. I’m missing those loved one that did not make it this far into the year. There are some losses that shocked me and others that rocked me. But I still wake up each morning with a heart full of thanks and praise. I’m sure one day I’ll have the answers to the questions I seek.
I’m hoping 2016 doesn’t deliver any more surprises. I’m not so sure I’ve got the strength to handle anything else. And even as I type those words, I realize how absurd they are. As if I had some control over anything or could deem them so, just by writing them down.
I’ll prepare for 2017 with the optimism that circulates in my soul. And like always I’ll try to see the lighter side of life. And just in case I don’t post again before 2017, I’m wishing you and yours all the best.
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