Archives for December 2011


It’s that time of year. Yes, you guessed it, time to make those New Year’s Resolutions.  The moment has come for me to be still and contemplate all the wonderful things I’m going to do in 2012.  I need to select life changing actions that will make me better, happier and healthier.


Maybe I’ve been cheating or maybe I haven’t focused enough in the past, but my resolutions have remained the same over the last few years.  So this year, I’m doing something radical.  I’m making a change.  Forget that stuff about eating right and exercising every day.  Next year I’m just going to have fun and be happy.

I’m going to eat chocolate, really good chocolate 

I’m going to sleep late on Saturday mornings

I’m going to take a walk during a warm summer rain













I’m going to listen to my music and dance; I don’t care whose watching

I’m going to sing – off key – in the shower

Yep, it’s that simple.

How about you, care to join me?



Have you ever stopped long enough to consider the effect time has on you?  Whether it’s friend or foe?  Well I have.  I’ve probably wasted too much time thinking about it and I’ve come to one satisfying conclusion.  Time – no matter how it’s measured –  in years, months or minutes is never quite as long as we think.



As this year draws to a close I find myself trying to capture memories that happened in March or July or even September.  What significant event took place that I need to remember or treasure?  That family get together to celebrate Independence Day seems like it occurred only yesterday.  Just a month ago the leaves on the tree in my backyard were a fabulous shade of red and orange.  Within days they’ve fallen, turned brown, have been picked up and discarded.  Already we’re facing mid-December and we just rang in the New Year a few moments ago.


Even those unpleasant events that we would like to forget come and go much quicker than we’re willing to acknowledge.  My last visit to the dentist only lasted 30 minutes but my gut tried to convince me I was there for hours.  The other day as I rushed home from work and got caught by that awful traffic light that seems to stay red for years, actually only held me up for less than a minute.



No matter how I mark time, I’m seldom happy with the clock.  It’s either moving too fast or too slow.  How about you, is time your friend or foe?