Television and movie moguls have known for some time the value of familiar characters and story lines. From year to year the entertainment industry satisfies the mouth-watering palates of millions by giving them something familiar. The idea of sequels and series is so popular there have been more than twenty James Bond movies and thirteen Star Trek films, just to name a few. Even though I wasn’t crazy about the second Sex in the City movie, I would love to see a third one made.




Right now I am in the midst of writing two romantic series. The first one – The Sweet Road series – contains three full length novels. Two books are available for sale now,  the third one will be available early in 2014. The second series – Dating Just Got Serious – will contain at least five novellas, two of which have already been released the third novella will be available in January 2014. 



When I began the romantic series ‘Dating Just Got Serious’ I only envisioned one maybe two stories about the single lives of twenty-something individuals, and the obstacles they navigate to find happiness. But, the more I write, the more I like, and identify with these characters. Each story grows richer and more dimensional, just like the casts in my favorite movies, and television shows.



The first year of a television program or the first movie sequel takes a little time to resonate and garner an audience. As I’ve eased into the second and third books I’ve begun to think like the individual on my pages. Responses I receive from readers validate my beliefs. I’ve gotten e-mails from readers asking when the next book in the series is going to available.  Or they’ve asked what happened to a certain character after the story ended. This tells me how much they enjoy the long-term relationship they’re developing with my books.

 How about you, do you have favorite series or characters?




This might seem like a small accomplishment for others, but for me –  I’m celebrating. Thanks to everyone who got  ‘A Single Date’ this far.


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It’s been a long time since I went on a date. My husband and I have what we call date night most Thursdays, but it’s nothing like today’s dating scene.



I won’t bore you with what dating was like back when we first met, but I will say he made me feel pretty special. I’ve heard so many tales about what happens on today’s dating scene, it’s so different it’s hardly recognizable. When did men stop picking women up at the door and actually committing to taking us out? Now days there are more ‘how about we meet at’ instead of ‘I’ll pick you up at’. Did the feminist movement mean we didn’t want men to pull out their wallets and pick up the check?




Group dates are all the rage now, too. I’m sure there is an advantage to several men and women going out together. Safety in numbers and all that stuff, but at the end of the night who do you take home?


There are advantages to the new dating trend, too. Freedom. If there’s no commitment, there are no restrictions. That means on today’s dating scene everyone gets a test drive, to kick the tires and check out the merchandise before making any decisions and hopefully, before any hearts get broken.


This year is more than half over and it’s been a busy one. Now, looking back on it, I should have started at a faster pace because I think I’m going to run out of days before I get everything completed on my list.


In May I was in Milwaukee at the Romance Slam Jam Conference. I met a bunch of romance readers and it’s always fun listening to what the readers like and don’t like. Author, Renee Wynn and I presented a workshop entitled ‘Don’t Judge a Book By It’s Cover. We wanted to know what makes a reader pick up a book.

In July I traveled to Atlanta for the Romance Writer of America’s National Conference.  I learned so much stuff while I was there my head is still trying to absorb all the information.

Later this year I have two smaller book events on my calendar. The first one is the Baltimore Book Festival in Baltimore, Maryland and the second one is Black Authors & Readers Rock in Bowie, Maryland. I expect they’ll both be very enjoyable.


I’ve been deep in the writing cave, working on some new material. Between now and December I’m planning to reveal some of my hard work. I want to bring you some fun stories. First out of the computer will be a dating series – Blind Date – Revised, A Single Date and Date Me. Girlfriends trying to navigate today’s dating scene and avoid all the hazards. For Phoebe, Yolanda and Cat , dating just got serious. Pretty soon I’ll be doing the book reveal so stay tuned.



When I think of courage often what comes to mind are super heroes, those individuals that fight the bad guys whether on the silver screen or in real life.  I think of men and women that risk their lives so that the rest of us can live safe, happy, productive lives.


But lately I’ve come to know that courage includes a lot more. In our day-to-day lives everyone musters the strength, determination and fortitude to do something. It takes courage for a baby to take their first step. Balancing on wobbly legs and placing one foot in front of the other is just as scary for a toddler as it is for a writer to show their work for the first time.  Now I understand that courage comes in many shapes, sizes and forms. Sometimes to do the smallest thing takes extraordinary amounts of courage. We summons up the power from within without ever knowing we’ve called on it. When I made the decision to eat healthy and exercise every day I took a courageous step. I believed I could make a change in my life and I set out to make that change a reality.




The same is true with my writing. Deciding to write and pursue this path with gusto has been wrought with challenges. But instead of retreating to my familiar, I stand my ground and continue to pursue this dream. Like that toddler that is driven to walk, I am determined to following this passion.



In all stages of my life to continue to grow and change and improve it takes more grit and heroism than I every imagined. Change is constant and as I continue to morph into the wonderful person I that I am, I now consider myself a super hero. Some mornings just getting out of bed is pretty daunting, but I do. And every day when something new comes hurling my way, I bob and weave like a champ.


What courageous thing have you done lately?


There are a few things I should have known before I published my first book, little stuff that other writers didn’t tell me. I haven’t seen any articles written about this stuff nor have I taken a workshop at a writer’s conference concerning this issue either. I’m sure everything that I’m learning along the way doesn’t just apply to writers.  The same things is true of artists, singers, songwriters, , seamstresses, cooks, chefs, or any other field where you put your heart into what you’re passion about.



I decided to keep a list of things I should have known and share it with everyone. Please feel free to add to the list and send me those tidbits you’ve found out along the way, too.  The more we know the better we can prepare.

The people you think will buy your book, won’t.

The people you think won’t buy your book, will.

The more you write the more you want to write.

There is never enough time to write as much as you’d like.

Just when you think you’re done editing, you’ll need to edit some more.





Unless you’re really lucky there will be at least one error in your book.

Some people will write cruel reviews, get over it.

Some people will write glowing reviews, get over it.

Even when you think you’re going to write all day, you can’t.

Schedule some time not to write, it will help your creativity

Writers make good friends.

Not all advice is good advice.

Follow your own counsel.

Don’t obsess over the sales numbers, write the next book.



As I work on the story of the last Conroy sister I realize how much I’ve enjoyed their lives. With each story I’ve gotten to know them better. I know their secrets and what drives them. I could be the fourth sister. It’s taken three stories to really understand how they make their decisions and why. Many of the decisions formed by Asa, Dakota and Melissa are based on bits of wisdom passed on to them from their parents and grandparents who are now deceased.  In that respect they are very much like the rest of us.


It’s amazing how each sister has made different choices even though they shared the same childhood. The closeness between these sisters tugs at my heart. They are open and honest with each other speak what’s on their minds but they still manage to come back together with love and caring for each other.


At some point in time I’m going to have to bring this series to an end, but the Conroy sisters will always have a corner of my heart. After Melissa’s story I might have one more story line for this series, but at some time I’m going to have to tuck them away. These ladies have occupied my head for so much time (years) I know I’m going to miss them.




The second book in the Sweet Road series entitled The Sweet Road To Love is set to release on Saturday, May 18, 2013.  The story of Dakota and Bishop is one that you’ll remember. He’s a playboy, she’s skeptical, will they be able to overcome their past? If you haven’t caught up on the Conroy sisters, now is the time.  The Sweet Road Home, the first book in the series is available now at all e-book sellers.





Please stay tuned, accompanying the launch of The Sweet Road To Love will be a contest with chances to win some nice prizes and other great giveaways.


As a writer it took me a long time to learn when the editor in me showed up, my creativity shut down. The editor voice, strong and stern would say to me that doesn’t sound right, take out that word and rework that scene. Instead of the fun part of creating that feels like skipping or eating chocolate, the editor feels more like trudging through knee-deep snow.


Eventually, the editor always has to show up, otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to finish a book and get it out the door. The visit from the editor isn’t always bad; it’s necessary to put the finishing touches on a manuscript. The editor is akin to a great designer who can put a style on paper, but it takes a seamstress to put it on a model.


I’ve heard that children can learn a new language easier than adults remember because they don’t worry about sounding strange or different as they work out the foreign words and the accents. That’s because their editor hasn’t become fully developed, so children can tune out that voice that stifles the creative muscles. Imagine how carefree would be if we never censored ourselves.


We all have an inner voice that can stall our inspiration, our drive or our determination. The trick it to know when to listen and when to quiet that voice and run free with you inner child, the one that will allow you to do amazing what you love in wood type


What has your editor kept you from accomplishing? Where could you be if you shut down that little voice in your head and followed your heart?


To eat healthy or eat well, that is the question. If I wait a few months what’s healthy and good for the body will change. One day I read eat more tuna, it’s high in omega-3 and it’ good for the body. A few days later I read, watch your tuna intake, it’s high in mercury. The following month doctors are talking about how good whole wheat and whole grain are for us. Then someone comes out with a book detailing how much damage wheat can wreck on the body, slowing killing anyone who consumes the luscious breads, cakes and cookies.


What’s a person to do? I’m sticking with chocolate. I’ll never read anything that says chocolate is not good for me. That news would be devastating.

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I haven’t figured out if food is my friend or my foe. All the things I love, love my hips. Those things that are good for me (vegetables) don’t get along with my taste buds. It’s a constant battle which I’m losing.


How are you making out? Food – friend or foe?